"Why the fuck would you want me back?
Maybe it's because you don't know me at all"
- You Don't Know Me. Ben Folds.
A friend of SB's frequents the casino every couple of months. He doesn't see SB very much because they run on different time schedules- so I actually see him more than SB does.
He still thinks that we're together.
No-one has told him.
So he'll come up to me and say "Mush! Where's SB?? Let's get together and have dinner!"
Me: ... I don't know where he is.....
Him: It's a public holiday! Isn't it his day off?
Me: .. I don't know... It should be..
Him: *looks at me like I'm the ditziest person on earth for somehow managing to lose a live person. Right. We'll catch up later!
I was on the phone with SB a little while later and I complained. COMPLAINED.
Me: It's fucking embarrassing. He thinks I'm the worst girlfriend ever. Why haven't you told him?? TELL HIM.
SB: ..... I don't go around announcing to everybody that we've split up. Hello! How are you? Mush and I are not together anymore!
I was talking with some girlfriends the other day about missing ex-es. And I said [thinking this would get a laugh by the way] that when I feel really lonely at night, I sleep with my back against the wall and pretend that it's him. So when I didn't get mocking and I got agreement- I was flabbergasted.
One friend said that she hugged a pillow as a boy substitute
And another said that she wrapped herself really tight in a blanket to pretend that they were arms.
I really thought I was the only one, but it turns out exes everywhere do the same thing. Who knew?
Staph-face royally pissed his ex off on Friday night, and so on Saturday night she had cut me from her facebook friends. I had nothing to do with their fight and I cannot for the life of me see how I am involved.
Here it is, deleting me from facebook and not actually talking to me about what your problem is, makes you a
child. And also quite possibly makes you a social retard.
Generation Y and their passive-aggressive ways. Mouths are helpful little things- use them.
I joined Lighto outside smoking a cigarette, we were quiet for a minute.
and then he said "My girlfriend and I just broke up."
I didn't know what to say, partly because whatever I say would just sound like soothing nonsense and partly because I saw it coming and was not feeling like it was what he wanted to hear.
"Oh, your call or hers?"
"Will you get back together? What were her reasons?"
"She said I don't care about her enough, I never have time for her, and we've been together for a year but it feels like eighty."
*Can I just interject here.That eighty year comment is ridiculously harsh! And makes her out to be a complete bitch. On the other hand, if you feel that time is dragging when you're hanging around that person then... let go? I don't know. I have never/ would never date someone who makes me feel like time is going backwards. Life is short but you want it to feel longer? That's just weird. I hope she returns that Louis Vuitton he bought her. Carry on.
"And then she hung up on me."
I could tell he was trying to be cheery about it, but wasn't really succeeding. I'm supposing that the reality of it will hit him harder when he's alone.
I patted him on the shoulder and left him sitting there still smoking. A picture of the unhappy business of being an ex.