Not my fault. eek.
Anyway I thought I would just post some random photos from my time in Melbourne [including my beloved cow in a tree] .. not much has happened Dennis Rodman almost whonked me in the head [he was flailing], I'm still looking for a job.. but other than that life is quiet.
I don't know if that's a good thing. Oh, also I saw my cousin's girlfriend on tv- that sort of made my day [well I haven't won lotto yet! things like that make my day. Shut up]
I mean the bulk of my thoughts are .. should I buy this bag online? should I eat this chip? where should I go for my next holiday? Truly, I'm getting shallower as I get older.
Anyway photoes.
See? one of the many reasons I looooove Melbourne is that everywhere you go [especially in the CBD] there'll be just be random sculptures, you're always surrounded by art. You can't see it properly but he has two similar man friends behind him and also I love his expression.. its sort "Ooh... Prada bag!"
I know I look pregnant, but I'm not. Blame the dress.
I'm sorry, I just need to camwhore my extensions. I love my extensions. My hair now looks so blah, healthy but blah.
Its as happy as you can get with a giant fan
Even the toilets are multi coloured. Hows that for dedication?
I don't know who owes who what. But this is quite cool, and there were two art students trying to get their reflections on film. Actually you can see him in the I.
Being attacked by a giant rabbit, it can only happen to me [and also to the knights in the holy grail.. yes, spamalot was playing while I was there.. why do you ask?]
Aww.. so cute.
I think working in this building would make me happy.Its rainbow coloured!
And in case the postie misses it, the building number is 60. Actually all the numbers on this street are like that. Its pretty cool for the near sighted postmen/women and for me. I want one except there's no way it'd fit in my yard.
EEE! Cow in tree!
And there's his butt. Coolest butt ever.
I actually had to wait a bit before taking these because there was a conglomerate of teenagers camped around the tree, with backpacks and everything. I don't know why. Maybe the cow calls people to join it or something. Cow cults? I think they have those in India. Anyway
It really just boggles my mind how effort goes into designing buildings in Melbourne. I don't really like this building but I can appreciate what they're trying to do. I can't remember what the effect was called but it has something to do with straightlines and colour windows creating an optical illusion. Its not my favourite but its still awesome.
Hee. Apparently I'm five and a half. I think it's supposed to be a woman. Well, I think. Her face is kind of masculine, but she has the appropriate womanly bits.. so maybe the sculptor was trying to make a point about androgny? The owner of the cafe came out to look at me the tee-heeing tourist. Whoops.
I didn't take a photo of the shop, but there's a shop in Melbourne called Lord of the fries and they do fries in every sauce you can think of- this is mayonnaise, tomato sauce and garlic onion and I am drooling just thinking of it. The twisties I'm eating now are not really any comparison. Well they are zig zag twisties and they're pretty nice but still no comparison
Another random mural on the street.
And inside the crown casino .. and why can't Star City put a little effort in? huh? HUH?
I don't this random fool but she kept wandering into my shot so I guess I just have to post her. Whoever and wherever you are I hate you! If the dragon was alive it'd eat you for being annoying.
Her arm is still in the goddamn shot. Even her arm annoys me. [Yes, I'm a leet graphic designer and no I didn't crop her. Shut up.]
Hey, the fish were cute.
So pretty, I think it's an upside down rabbit.
And then we went to Nobu. Nobu of the reputation Nobu. And as you can see fron Sb's face, he's like thats it? well .. he kinda deserved it for ordering stir fry from Nobu.
Its heaps dark in there. Mood lighting. Even the bathroom is dark, you can't even see where you're washing your hands.
That's his stirfry [It does look pretty]. I ordered wagyu beef but I ate some before I could take a photo [whoops] and the scallops with wasabi mayonnaise was divine, my mouth died and went to heaven and hasn't come back yet to normal food.
Errmm. Half eaten.
The tempura was standard though. But then I grew up on tempura I kind of think all tempura is standard. Eh. Well it was nothing special anyway.
And that was our nobu experience, there are no pictures of me cos it was too dark and I wasn't sitting under any lighting but trust me I looked great [ha]
And then we went to St Kilda and I really have nothing to say about it, except thats it? I was expecting a Manly/Glebe type atmosphere but there was nothing there. I was expecting bookstores and markets [it was the weekend] but it was just houses. All I can say is durn.
And also Luna Park was closed for renovations. Yeah, nothing.
So then we went back to the CBD, where for my birthday .. I decided to go to jail [what? what? it sounded interesting!]. What I was expecting from Old Melbourne Gaol was well .. not much, maybe a five minute walk. However, we got lined up with a policeman acting as a tour guide and fifteen other tourists. This policeman was exceptionally grouchy [or maybe he was playing grouchy] and he lined us all in row and started yelling at us! I was about to burst into giggles but I didn't think it was a good idea in case he pulled me out and started spanking me or something. Or something.
He particularly had it in for this old man and kept berating him, admittedly the old man was kind of stupid but by the end of it, the old man was REALLY REALLY pissed off, he was glowering at the policeman- lucky, he wasn't stupid enough to actually punch him out. Yes, he paid and we paid to get yelled at. [Well, he didn't yell at me mostly because I wasn't game enough to look him in the eye]
And then he locked us all in this cell. In the dark. For about ten minutes. It really wasn't the best idea for a birthday I had ever had. It really is as dingy as it looks. And don't worry those marks on the walls are not blood stains- they're water marks. [Because that makes me feel so much better]
And in the padded cell. There are "water marks" in there as well. Apparently some tourists
managed to lock themselves in there for four hours. Those were some smart tourists.
And the door to the padded cell, from the scuff marks I presume they didn't want to go IN.
Haha.. I should send it to his mum to freak her out.
Criminal! The lighting is just shoddy in this room. Yerk.
I guess if the physio thing doesn't work out, he can always be a blacksmith.
These are so cute. I was going to buy one, but I couldn't figure out which of my friends would want a Ned Kelly doll.
This was on wall in Chinatown, I don't know how many of us troublesome chinese actually listen to it! Of course it was situated right next to a restaurant called "Mao Please!" which was hysterical and ironic and tragic all at the same time.
It has things on the menu like Mao's spicy beef and Mao spicy chicken and uhh... Mao spicy lamb. You get the idea that Mao liked spicy things. However this proprietor must have greatly underestimated the cult of Mao in Australia because I headed straight for an Italian restaurant with white sauce and fish. Mm.. white sauce.
I'm thinking it tasted a thousand times better than Mao beef jerky.
Hee. In the middle of federation square there's a couple of flashing signs where you can sms your message of love/hate/indifference/wanting for a hamburger. And so we smsed it and the stupid thing never came up! But then there's an even larger tv on the other side and so we smsed that and whee!! fifteen seconds to say whatever the hell I wanted. To everyone! In federation square!
And by the fourth day I missed Minnie. So well there's an eternal declaration immortalised to my stupid barky sausage dog. Yes, I missed her.
Awwww.. I'm going to miss it. Bummer.
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