"Mush, I have something to tell you, but Paul-Robinson doesn't think I should tell you because you'll get upset"
A this point I was thinking he was going to tell me George Clooney had died in the throes of passion with Bai Ling and I was fully prepared to sprawl on the floor and shriek 'Why her?!!! Why not ME??!!"
"I met a girl today, and she looked exactly like you.. I actually thought it was you"
"Oh," I said getting up off the floor "Is that all?.. Geez I thought you were going to tell me that George Clooney was dead"
Later when I had more time to ponder it, I decided that having a person that looked just like me could possibly be an excellent thing.
Me: So..? tell me all about her..
SB: her name is K, and she looks exactly like you except that shes slightly shorter. If shes your long lost twin sister and she wasn't brought up here, she probably has a calcium deficiency to explain it. Maybe you should ask your Dad if he did anything he shouldn't have.
Me: Ooh.. so the figure and everything huh?
SB: yeah the figure is the same
Me: so maybe you should bring her home! and we could have a threesome
SB: *goggles.
Me: I always wanted to know how I look during sex, and this could potentially be the way!
SB: *squeaks.. they have cameras for that sort of the thing
Me: Well its not really the same, I mean what if she arches and it looks funny then next time I could say to her "don't arch like that" and she could say "Yeah, I think we should lift our legs higher"
SB: .................. I think one of you is enough...
Me: Well even if its not about the sex, I'd still be okay if you dated her, because it'd be like you dating me! we could walk down the street together and freak everyone out
At this point, SB fell into a coma from the idea of handling two Mushes.
And now.. can I unveil the rock?

Its my Aunties Ring, I'm just borrowing it. Its handy for knuckle sandwiches and waving my hands flagrantly in peoples faces. Seriously that thing is the size of a golf ball, I'm a little bit in love with it.
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