When she left our house, Tatergirl left a few things- most of them sort of junky, a fifty cent ironing board, packets of salt, a freaking grapefruit, an outstanding loan of ten dollars which I will never see again in my lifetime [and if paid back in thirty years will be worth peanuts] and a Heinemann Australian Dictionary.
It's a dictionary and its supposed to be useful, I mean who ever heard of a useless dictionary? And it was complied by the good and hard working people at La Trobe University [Well, I think they're good and hard working- they could just be manic wife beaters or something. All of them.]
So anyway, I sat down to study yesterday morning [go me!] and there were a few words that I didn't really understand so I pulled it out and started thumbing for meanings.
First word: Kleptocrats .. kleptocrats.. kleptocrats.. nope, nothing, not even kleptomania to tide me over.
Second word: Circumscription.. circumscription... its a noun?? and??
how can I work under these circumstances????! Its an outrage!
I cannot, I'm not studying til' someone buys me a proper fricking dictionary*. Or leaves me one**.
*The stupid thing was published in 1992, it doesn't even feature the word internet, but then what did I expect when she left it behind? a moldy piece of fruit and an outdated book.. gahhhhhhh...
** a new one, not one published in 1665, thanks very much.
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