So in news...
I got the job at the Mercure Hotel as a waitress [No, I'm not quitting Star City yet so you can stop your pre-empted whooping], he said he was over the moon with me. Gosh.
I lied to get out of working on a Friday night. I'm terrible, I know. The guilt [and the fear that I would be caught!] was astonishing, but welcome to the dark side.
Of course then I went and had sushi, drank cointreau, sang karaoke and watched porn movies. It was a Friday night. [and thats how I'm justifying it, thank you very much have a nice day.]
Struggling to get my assignments finished. The skin of my teeth.
Am still looking for a place to move out with. If the ad says neat: it means old. Cosy: means small. Original bathroom: means the bathroom was built in the 1800's and still smells like it.
Oh and watch for streets covered in For Sale signs, it means that at the end of your street there's a big electrical tower giving you good tv signals and terminal cancer.
SB told me that Puripuri just dumped her model banker billionaire boyfriend for that lousy sleazy scumbag who makes her sleep on the floor. I don't get it. [Don't give me that 'It's love' shit]
I've gotten told that I look like a lot of things in my time, Joey Wong, a porn actress, a koala, Bec Cartwright [uh huh], Canadian.. the beat goes on but now its time to add something completely new and insulting to this list.

Olive Fricking Oyl!
[Should I have a sense of humour about this or not?]
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