Sometimes life throws you a curve ball, and if you use your head to deflect it, you can't really complain when it hurts.
I decided that the new job at the Hotel wasn't right for me. And so instead of doing the right thing and calling up to say I wasn't coming in [I am really irresponsible lately] I just didn't turn up.
[Why not? It works for Tatergirl and ShanghaiArchitect, they waltz in, waltz out. Guilt score? Nada them. Mish: One]
But the morning after I am burdened by guilt, its as if I had left a baby in the garbage or something. It was awful. But it wasn't just the guilt that woke me, they woke me. The stalking began.
They started calling at seven in the fricking morning. And gave eight continuous calls all the way to ten o'clock. I am not picking that up, I don't care.
The phone calls continued until five in the afternoon. Lalalala I can't hear it!
The next day more of the same, thats a phone? It's not my phone. Ten or so missed calls. It had started to ease, thank God.
Its Monday and I'm at work, still steadfastly ignoring it, by this time I've turned my phone to silent and letting it vibrate under some clothes. When I get home, my mum says "Did Mercure call you? They called [home]. I told them to call you on your mobile" Oohkay. They've started calling my house. Not just by the standard 9218 but from their OWN mobiles.
This is getting excessive.
The home phone started to ring this morning, it can't possibly be them, it'd be those lifesaver telemarketers and I'll just tell them I'm busy.. lalala...
"Hello, is Michelle there?" [Oh FUCKING CRAP]
"Michelle speaking""
"Hi, this is Joe from Mercure, you missed your shift on Saturday"
"Did I? I'm sorry"
"Can you work tomorrow?"
"Uhhh.. no." [Can you just fire me and this would be less painful for both of us?]
"It's only for a couple of hours"
[Crapcrapcrapcrap...] "Sigh..What time?"
"Seven til Eleven"
And this is how I was roped [hounded] back into working for Mercure. This never happened to Tatergirl. Why do I always end up with the crazy ones??
Tuesday, May 30, 2006
Friday, May 26, 2006
Yelling, crying, yelling.
Yesterday I saw a rainbow.
Then I went to work.
And ever since all I've been doing is crying and yelling, crying and yelling.
[Minnie is officially afraid of me]
I need to pull it together.
It might have been that damn rainbow.
Then I went to work.
And ever since all I've been doing is crying and yelling, crying and yelling.
[Minnie is officially afraid of me]
I need to pull it together.
It might have been that damn rainbow.
Monday, May 22, 2006
Things to say, Things to do
I've been so busy lately running around like a chicken without a head.
So in news...
I got the job at the Mercure Hotel as a waitress [No, I'm not quitting Star City yet so you can stop your pre-empted whooping], he said he was over the moon with me. Gosh.
I lied to get out of working on a Friday night. I'm terrible, I know. The guilt [and the fear that I would be caught!] was astonishing, but welcome to the dark side.
Of course then I went and had sushi, drank cointreau, sang karaoke and watched porn movies. It was a Friday night. [and thats how I'm justifying it, thank you very much have a nice day.]
Struggling to get my assignments finished. The skin of my teeth.
Am still looking for a place to move out with. If the ad says neat: it means old. Cosy: means small. Original bathroom: means the bathroom was built in the 1800's and still smells like it.
Oh and watch for streets covered in For Sale signs, it means that at the end of your street there's a big electrical tower giving you good tv signals and terminal cancer.
SB told me that Puripuri just dumped her model banker billionaire boyfriend for that lousy sleazy scumbag who makes her sleep on the floor. I don't get it. [Don't give me that 'It's love' shit]
I've gotten told that I look like a lot of things in my time, Joey Wong, a porn actress, a koala, Bec Cartwright [uh huh], Canadian.. the beat goes on but now its time to add something completely new and insulting to this list.

Olive Fricking Oyl!
[Should I have a sense of humour about this or not?]
So in news...
I got the job at the Mercure Hotel as a waitress [No, I'm not quitting Star City yet so you can stop your pre-empted whooping], he said he was over the moon with me. Gosh.
I lied to get out of working on a Friday night. I'm terrible, I know. The guilt [and the fear that I would be caught!] was astonishing, but welcome to the dark side.
Of course then I went and had sushi, drank cointreau, sang karaoke and watched porn movies. It was a Friday night. [and thats how I'm justifying it, thank you very much have a nice day.]
Struggling to get my assignments finished. The skin of my teeth.
Am still looking for a place to move out with. If the ad says neat: it means old. Cosy: means small. Original bathroom: means the bathroom was built in the 1800's and still smells like it.
Oh and watch for streets covered in For Sale signs, it means that at the end of your street there's a big electrical tower giving you good tv signals and terminal cancer.
SB told me that Puripuri just dumped her model banker billionaire boyfriend for that lousy sleazy scumbag who makes her sleep on the floor. I don't get it. [Don't give me that 'It's love' shit]
I've gotten told that I look like a lot of things in my time, Joey Wong, a porn actress, a koala, Bec Cartwright [uh huh], Canadian.. the beat goes on but now its time to add something completely new and insulting to this list.

Olive Fricking Oyl!
[Should I have a sense of humour about this or not?]
Wednesday, May 17, 2006
Public Servants..
I'm the first one to defend police in an argument.
The arguments are:
-Without them, there would be anarchy.
-They do their best
-On very low pay
-And if there is corruption, I'm sure its a very small minority..
"Bah" says my friends, Pigs are pigs [Though whats wrong with pigs?? They're cute and they taste good, and are convenient for human disposal, also George Clooney owns one. Case closed]
However, however in the future I may not be so quick to support them, I mean people they're public servants! Shouldn't they be more helpful?? No, apparently not.
First, reception. Me "HimynameisMichelleandimhereforanassignmentforuniicalledlastnightbutigottoldtojustrockup"
The receptionist sniffed at the phrase "rock up", why are you so hoity toity?! you're a public servant! a receptionist, and not a very good one from what I can see.
But que sera sera. He husband probably left her this morning.
Next the mountain of rock, a stone face of a police man. He refused to be taped, wasn't happy about answering any questions [yeah, he was busy. Busy shuffling papers from one side of his desk to another] and he said five minutes. Fine. I managed to get in "Socanyoutellmewhatex---" And he said "Can't do it" Excuse me??
Rightio, optimistic til the end, "Well can you give me a number to call who WOULD give me the information?" [The stone shifted]
"This is state crime"
Its a good thing I went outside to call and not waited til I got home because that.. that.. poor bloody excuse.. of an object.. had given me a fax number! [Hallelujah and thank God for the NSW police force, competent til the end!]
I barged right back in there.
"Did you still want something?"
Oh okay, you know I've probably made a mountain out of a molehill, he was busy [huh] but it was the callous way I was treated, I had only come in there to ask questions for an assignment, I mean thats nothing, what if I had really come in there with something actually distressing like robbery or assault. I imagine that if I had been treated the same the damage would've been compounded. And thats what disturbs me so much.
[I also had an incident with a real estate agent later today but that was probably to be expected]
The arguments are:
-Without them, there would be anarchy.
-They do their best
-On very low pay
-And if there is corruption, I'm sure its a very small minority..
"Bah" says my friends, Pigs are pigs [Though whats wrong with pigs?? They're cute and they taste good, and are convenient for human disposal, also George Clooney owns one. Case closed]
However, however in the future I may not be so quick to support them, I mean people they're public servants! Shouldn't they be more helpful?? No, apparently not.
First, reception. Me "HimynameisMichelleandimhereforanassignmentforuniicalledlastnightbutigottoldtojustrockup"
The receptionist sniffed at the phrase "rock up", why are you so hoity toity?! you're a public servant! a receptionist, and not a very good one from what I can see.
But que sera sera. He husband probably left her this morning.
Next the mountain of rock, a stone face of a police man. He refused to be taped, wasn't happy about answering any questions [yeah, he was busy. Busy shuffling papers from one side of his desk to another] and he said five minutes. Fine. I managed to get in "Socanyoutellmewhatex---" And he said "Can't do it" Excuse me??
Rightio, optimistic til the end, "Well can you give me a number to call who WOULD give me the information?" [The stone shifted]
"This is state crime"
Its a good thing I went outside to call and not waited til I got home because that.. that.. poor bloody excuse.. of an object.. had given me a fax number! [Hallelujah and thank God for the NSW police force, competent til the end!]
I barged right back in there.
"Did you still want something?"
Oh okay, you know I've probably made a mountain out of a molehill, he was busy [huh] but it was the callous way I was treated, I had only come in there to ask questions for an assignment, I mean thats nothing, what if I had really come in there with something actually distressing like robbery or assault. I imagine that if I had been treated the same the damage would've been compounded. And thats what disturbs me so much.
[I also had an incident with a real estate agent later today but that was probably to be expected]
Monday, May 08, 2006
Happy birthday/Mother's day!
This year we combined Mothers day and SB's birthday to create one big Happmothbirmer day, the soulsucker has me this weekend so the only celebrating is to be done now!
The presents:
An iPod nano
An Oroton Bag [worth a good four hundred big ones]
The reaction? Uhh.. not so good. Neither of them really liked their presents! So either my present-dar is off [or its off]
The setting: a warm and inviting italian restaurant, cosy and amibient. Where parents get drunk and try to hide lamb bones in that four hundred dollar bag. Where parents sing happy birthday to SB in loud off-key tones, to a cake without candles, and try to think up ways to defraud the lottery office [adding extra zeroes to a cheque should do it].
Did I mention I love my parents? They're crazy.
The presents:
An iPod nano
An Oroton Bag [worth a good four hundred big ones]
The reaction? Uhh.. not so good. Neither of them really liked their presents! So either my present-dar is off [or its off]
The setting: a warm and inviting italian restaurant, cosy and amibient. Where parents get drunk and try to hide lamb bones in that four hundred dollar bag. Where parents sing happy birthday to SB in loud off-key tones, to a cake without candles, and try to think up ways to defraud the lottery office [adding extra zeroes to a cheque should do it].
Did I mention I love my parents? They're crazy.
Tuesday, May 02, 2006
Job interview
Sometimes its better the devil you know.
Today I went to a job interview in a bid to escape the clutches of that evil soul sucking sucker.
It's a good job, Its a small restaurant/bar type set up, there's only forty people in the entire hotel, so I don't have to be worried that Nutbag from Laundry is bitching me out to Peeweehead in kitchen, who tells Numbnuts something mean about my face [or to my face, alternately]. I am not going to take it. [Look! look! I'm insane!] I don't think I could survive on the kind of pay cut they're offering. Eighteen dollars an hour before tax on a five hour shift. Duuuuude. Thats seventy dollars after tax.
So here we are, ever so pragmatic, going to turn it down. If I took it there's no way in heck, I could afford my course, there's no way I could move out, hell I'd probably struggle to put Minnie through daycare. I'm justifying this to myself because I feel terrible, I know on Thursday I have to go back to working with dipshits [dirty,gamble-aholic dipshits I might add!] and feckers who would stab me with a spare chopstick because they would rather do that than actually work. Money, money, money.
On an interesting note: The intervieweer asked me where I'm from, whats up with my accent? I don't have an accent! I think I might be watching too much American tv.
Today I went to a job interview in a bid to escape the clutches of that evil soul sucking sucker.
It's a good job, Its a small restaurant/bar type set up, there's only forty people in the entire hotel, so I don't have to be worried that Nutbag from Laundry is bitching me out to Peeweehead in kitchen, who tells Numbnuts something mean about my face [or to my face, alternately]. I am not going to take it. [Look! look! I'm insane!] I don't think I could survive on the kind of pay cut they're offering. Eighteen dollars an hour before tax on a five hour shift. Duuuuude. Thats seventy dollars after tax.
So here we are, ever so pragmatic, going to turn it down. If I took it there's no way in heck, I could afford my course, there's no way I could move out, hell I'd probably struggle to put Minnie through daycare. I'm justifying this to myself because I feel terrible, I know on Thursday I have to go back to working with dipshits [dirty,gamble-aholic dipshits I might add!] and feckers who would stab me with a spare chopstick because they would rather do that than actually work. Money, money, money.
On an interesting note: The intervieweer asked me where I'm from, whats up with my accent? I don't have an accent! I think I might be watching too much American tv.
Monday, May 01, 2006
Hoo boy.
So here I am, five hours til its time for me to get up for school, and I'm still here. Not sleeping. Not doing the draft of my assignment. Thats right! Not doing it!
Ha.. that'll teach me.. to... to...
[You think I should do it really? really? no.]
In other news, SB and I are looking for an apartment [to move out into, no funny stuff going on here!], we need to find a place to accomodate our wooden floor fetish, a train trip to wollongong and an autistic dog.. all under 300.. where are we going to find that?? :wails: [oh when I leave here I plan to steal that bottle of Chivas and the jungle painting. Hurrah!]
Oh me in my self absorbed little world, welcome Matthew! [53cm] and already a looker [and according to his mum, a sleeper].
Ha.. that'll teach me.. to... to...
[You think I should do it really? really? no.]
In other news, SB and I are looking for an apartment [to move out into, no funny stuff going on here!], we need to find a place to accomodate our wooden floor fetish, a train trip to wollongong and an autistic dog.. all under 300.. where are we going to find that?? :wails: [oh when I leave here I plan to steal that bottle of Chivas and the jungle painting. Hurrah!]
Oh me in my self absorbed little world, welcome Matthew! [53cm] and already a looker [and according to his mum, a sleeper].

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