Blub blub
Monday, January the 29th 2006 00:49 Mood: Better not great.
Happy Chinese New Year Folks.
Before we embark on a brand new year we must first erase all the bad luck from the previous one.
As my mum says if something bad happens and you survive it, then then amount of bad luck that you will have later is lessened. Essentially fortune is a cookie jar..
I almost died yesterday. I was taken out by a rip and my feet couldn't find the ground. Needless to say, I was terrified. People say that in the event of a dangerous current, don't struggle- just keep calm and it will push you back to shore. Those people are wrong. With every shove of the wave I was getting further and further away from the shore. Time to panic. Books and movies will tell you that when you're about to die, you think about life and loved ones, all I could think was pleasepleasepleasepleasepleaseplease. So yeah they lied too.
Rightie dragged me out, [not easy mind you] and for the experience I have a cut on my nose and twenty fours of aftershocks. So there you have it, you almost lost me and I can't figure out how to deal with it.
Fools not so much in love
Thursday, January the 26th 2006 23:53 Mood: Wrought
Happy Australia Day People.
Celebrate the birth of your country by gambling away your livelihood at the casino. Yeah.
Fighting with SB [again]
SB: I'm beginning to think we're two different people Mish.
Me: [angrily] you're only just figuring that out now?!
Because you're on the other side of the world to me.
We're in the money!
Wednesday, January the 18th 2006 22:41 Mood: Odd
Four years of scratchie buying, and it finally paid off! Well ok five hundred dollars isn't going to buy me a ferrari. But its a nice little shopping spree [amazing how much life picks up when you're not working!]
Okay, not so much.. drivers seat
Tuesday, January the 17th 2006 01:41 Mood: Freaking miserable
""And you are such a fool
to worry like you do"
-U2, Stuck in a moment
Most of my problems would be solved if I would just grow a backbone and tell people to fuck the hell off. What do I do in the absence of one?
In the drivers seat!
Thursday, January the 12th 2006 21:46 Mood: Awake
So guess who got her P's! You're right!
[My knees somewhat buckled and I was hyperventilating during the exam but I passed!]
So what do you think I should do for my birthday?
Who cares?
Tuesday, January the 10th 2006, 22:34 Mood: EBTG- Sexy
It's just a driving test. Its nothing. Hell, you may even pass. Ick.
You've come a long way baby
Friday, January the 6th 2006, 23:32 Mood: Ticklish
I used to be a much nicer person.
Customer: Can I get a coffee?
[This involves me walking the fifty metres to the bar, pushing a trolley full of soft drinks there and back]
Me: [unenthusiastically] sure
[rolls back with the coffee and the trolley]
Customer: Thank you! You're such a wonderful person! God bless you!
Me: :thought bubble: I don't care! Where's my tip???!
Its a New Year
Wednesday, January the 4th 16:16 Mood: Achey.
Alright I updated about ten minutes ago, but geocities was being a bastard. An unloved bastard.
And I'm reallllly siiiiick :whine: so bear with me.
Christmas: Christmas was spent at my Aunty Helene's house. Oysters, salmon, long games of monopoly and one vicious little puppy [Hi Minnie].But above all that, this was the year where I finally figured out who and where I want to spend my christmases with. My family. There. It took me give or take eight years to figure that out. I'm a little slow. Don't mind me while I dissolve into sentimental mush [or phleghm. Hackkk]
I was considering an overseas migration, I might've changed my mind. And the booty?? Less than last year! :waves fists angrily in the air: As Pho said to me wouldn't you like one big gift as opposed to twenty small gifts?? I couldn't even dignify that with a response. [Well okay, I did I gave her an emphatic "NO"]
New years: New years? New years was well.. the less said about that the better I think. Firstly I was working..[fine that was unavoidable] and I was sick [also somewhat unavoidable] and then I spent it at Baphomet's place. The things I do for SB, a lack of midnight kiss, alcohol and big ass roaches roaming the place like they owned it [insert Baphomet rental joke here] Rowwr, rowwr, next year I will get my kiss!
Recap of 2005: [Sigh.. here goes]
Anybody whos been reading this blog knows that I had a really hard time with 2005, that there were many times that I just didn't want to get out of bed, couldn't see my way out of the haze [tm Steven Tyler] but I'm still amazingly alive and well not exactly sitting pretty, but at least I'm sitting.
Some of this is due to SB, but a lot of it is due to Minnie who made me get out of bed on days that were endless tears and recriminations.
Strangely, the beginning of 2005 started off beautifully.
And the other thing of the year? Star City. Oi. Rude customers, bitchy staff and hygiene standards that.. that.. lets just say I will never eat garnishes from any other F&B outlet ever [especially lemons]
Um, positive things about 2005: Belgian food, Getting trashed with good friends [numerous times], getting over my body issues and finally baring my arms, Minnie [of course], the money that comes from my sucky job[a real positive!, concert tickets!], a nice little trip tp the Blue Mountains, going to the beach for the first time in years and finally coming to terms with my family. But thank God its over, I thought that it would never end.
Its a little tickle in the back of the throat
Saturday, Decmber 24th 01:29 Mood:Perplexed
So Its Christmas Eve, and guess what that means? All night shopping! Except not. Worn down by eight hours of serving [me] and eight hours of nursing [him], we got in and in give or take an hour and a half, we were done. No more. We're getting really really old, it wasn't even midnight! Bleah.
On the plus side however I got new shoes [well ok, replacements for the pair Minnie chewed up but still, new shoes]
So I got home and started flicking through my mum's trashbag magazines and came to an article "I love my husband more than my children", The writer is a woman named Ayelet something something [married to that f*cking sucky writer Michael Chabon of Kavalier and Klay fame] and in it she details how much she loves her husband more than her kids, he is her "sun" and "her obsession". She professes only her unending devotion to him.
I think you get the point. Husband: 1 Children: 0
After reading it, I was sitting on perplexed [and freaking irritated] maybe I was tired, but I couldn't figure out what bothered me so much about it.
Answer: I'll tell you tomorrow.. [Deep breath people]
Guess who got tickets?!!
Wednesday, December 14th 12:29 Mood: Ruff
Seven hours of waiting, collectively online, on the phone and in line. I have tickets to the 2006 U2 concert!! Scream for me baby!!

Relaxation for beginners
Thursday, December 8th 11:56 Mood: Toired
[Or how SB and Mish went up to the mountains and failed to stress less]
HoHoHo.. So we went up to the Blue Mountains to a "couple's retreat" [God, how old are we??] to get away from work, families and a little dog named Minnie for a few days, we thought that once we got up there, we'd automatically lose all our insane Sydneysider habits and just relax. We didn't. Well, not really. I think SB was dying to beep the farmer drivers.
SB: Why can't they drive faster?! Rowrr!
In some ways I was worse, because people you can somewhat control, nature you cannot. Me? I had the brilliant idea that we should get up and watch the sunrise [after reading the guestbook of which Silly guest #256 wrote: We would like in-house porn and more pillows.. you should give the maid a raise for ignoring our toys] I digress, so we got up early to watch the sunrise.. but little did we know we were watching it from the wrong direction, so we waited and waited..
M: Whats wrong with the sun? Why can't it come up faster?!! Faster damnit!
SB: [pause] its the Sun, Mish.
And of course, our city slicker ways got in the way of imaginary childhood fantasies. Like animals. They should look like the animals in cartoons [or at least vaguely resemble them]. They don't.
M: Omg! Its a cow! Pull over and let me pat it!
[SB pulls over, Mish gets out, Cow is terrified turns tail and runs. Mish tries again with a braver cow and armed with a camera goes to the cow. Mish stands horrified for a few minutes]
SB: So did you take the picture?
M: No! It was gross! it had flies all over its face and goop everywhere!
SB: Err.. you were expecting it...
M: To be clean!
SB: The farmer isn't going to wash its face.
M: If I was a farmer, I would!
And more animal fantasies ruined.
[SB driving down a country road]
M: What was that?? Was that a turtle??
SB: I think so
M: Stop! We have to save it [it was in the middle of the road or crossing it]
[Mish gets out and gingerly looks at the turtle, which is a revolting crushed vomit colour and no visible anything- except sharp black claws]
M: Err.. babe, you do it.
SB: You want me to do it?
[SB then proceeds to [gingerly] pick up the turtle . When the turtle starts squirting water everywhere.]
SB: Ack! Ack! The turtle tried to poison me!
SB then drops/hurls the turtle with a big clunk.
Turtle: Clunk. [mumbles] City fuckers.
SB: It tried to poison me!
M: Turtle don't haaave poison.
SB: Well then it tried to pee on me!
[With some more coaxing from Mish, SB picks up the turtle and transports it to the grass, whereby it squirts even more water]
And then sometime in the midafternoon SB and I sat on the dock drinking beer, absorbng sun and listening to nohing but nothing, and it was nice, it was really quite nice.
Monday December 5th 00:53 Mood; Nervous
Greedy greedy., I already have Coldplay tickets [in Melbourne for Gods sack] and now I'm itchy to covet the U2 concert as well. Tomorrow. 9am. People are lining up already. Waaaah, please let me get those tickets~ [I'm sure if I'm on here in jubilation in the morning, you'll know I got them....]
So you think you can tell heaven from hell?
Sunday December 4th, 01:45 Mood: Subdued
So when I'm slack, I'm slack. I'm feeling slack. Nyeah
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