While I was away
Wednesday, 30th March, 10:39 Mood: Uncommunicative
The Dog, Earthquakes, Slippery Nipples, Married cousins, The Dog, Mystery Shopping, Terry Schiavo [of which I have no real opinion surprisingly] , Hairwashing in public bathrooms, Grave of the Fireflies, Grandma says the C-word, Did I mention The Dog?
Whats going on with me and Sillyboy? We seem to have entered a distance that we can't bridge, Its so natural that we lean into each other without noticing but otherwise its tense and grudging silence.
I just had to come back here and comment on Oprahs favourite things, the normal screaming on this show is bad enough, but the pitch has hit the roof, hundreds of screaming women catterwauling for hats and shoes. I'm sure that most of these women IRL are respectable and dignified human beings. but give them a pair of sunglasses with a dose of the cult of Oprah is enough to turn then into drooling shrieking morons,some of them are even crying [[crying?? how do you react at Christmas?!] I haven't even mentioned the raging capitalism [Hewlett Packard! Hewlett Packard! I think she said Hewlett Packard!] I admit that I do covet that damn Californian t-shirt, but get a hold of yourself please. Do a little jig or something, stop screaming.
School Note
Friday, 18th March, 21:38 Mood: LemLemLem
While I think my teacher is an incredibly nice guy, and I would save him from a burning car, his classes make the baby Jesus cry.
Going.. going.. Gone
Tuesday, 15th March, 18:56 Mood: Upanddown
I almost sold my soul to the Daily Telegraph, That was some close call. Your money or your soul? [and would you like fries with that?]
Hi there Minnie
Monday, 14th March, 18:31 Mood:
Sillyboy and I bought a new puppy, a miniature daschund named Minnie [yeah we're really clever] She's an adorable little princess, and I'm not saying that as an endearment she actually acts like one. Going to the beach means stopping for compliments, no not us, her!
Last night I thought I heard a banshee [yes in Australia], she went 'oooglioogoo'. Its amazing how unreasonable you can be laying in the dark..
Ugly.. Beholder.
Thursday, 10th March, 19:53 Mood: Melancholy
Vulgarity, egaritive, scrotum, blog pulchritude and usufruct are apparently the ugliest words in the English language.
But then I like the word usufruct, it kinda sounds like a german dessert, "Waiter I'd like the usufuct but with more cream and less sugar.. dammit man! didn't you hear what I said??!" after which I'd throw my napkin down and stalk out.
I like me some usufruct.
He's not a schlub.
Tuesday, 8th March, 18:02 Mood: Geuu
Why didn't Charlie Brown ever get to kick that damn football?
Monday, 7th March. 17:54 Mood: Dispensable
The following conversation occured inside my head this weekend.
M1: Breathe in, breathe out- relax he's only five years old.
M2: I don't care if he's five years old, he's making my eye twitch.
M1: He's five. You're middle aged. Breathe.
M2: My eye is twitching.
M1: It is too! Thats never happened before.
M2: He's biting me.
M1: And your eye is twitching.
M2: Huh.
Another Life Lesson
Wednesday, 2nd March, 16:12 Mood: Sore
Wax will stick to your skin, unless you wash it off with oil. Washing with water will ensure the wax becomes a nice gritty grey colour. Unless gritty glue is your desired effect, wash with oil..
What now?
Monday, 28th Feb, 19:26 Mood: Abonimable
Sometimes I think life is laughing at me.. a big fat Ha!Ha!
I can think of no other explanation as to why I had a job and then I didn't. It never just rains, it fucking pours.
On a side note, [and ironically onto a life much worse than mine] Hotel Rwanda rocks. Go see it, tell the world, bring some tissues..
Saturday, 26th Feb, 14:40 Mood: Ambivalent
'Human kindness is overflowing, and I think it's going to rain today'
- Katie Melua.
And Sometimes Life is Okay..
Thursday, 23rd Feb, 19:32 Mood: Joyous but hungry
Sometimes life is okay, on my way to a new job and new job means 'time to holiday!' Cha-cha-cha.
Sillyboy and I had an argument about rocks today, I don't know any other couple that would. Weird? Probably, but it could just be luuurve. Or an unhealthy fascination with geology.
Last night, I was thinking about making apologies to all the people I've wronged in my life. Strangely, the list wasn't as long as I thought it'd be.
Well Shite This.Thursday, 23rd Feb, 01:50pm Mood: Not so good
I'm tired. My computer has crashed four times today. Trying to get this page up and running is making me grouchy.[added to the tiredness].
I think my driving instructor tried to sell me drugs. Only in Sydney and Thailand.
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