I have rediscovered my love of Britney (not that it ever really left me) and while it's more conducive to running, it doesn't really put me in the mood for
writing (what would be good for writing? Enya?).
So if you've missed me (which I know is a mighty assumption) I've been:
Busy ducking falling trees - That's next door's carport. The street wasn't much better. At 1:30 in the morning, there was a gigantic smashing noise which woke us up and ND hauled me flailing into the kitchen. Both of us thinking the stupid tree outside is finally going to fall and make its way through my window. Well it did, and it didn't, the tree(s) came down the other way- as you can see, some cars not so lucky. And you know at the very least I am reassured that ND is going to schlepp me to safety if I ever need it.
Making homemade dumplings
Not bad eh? Although I can't take credit for most of it (or all of it- I helped some!)
Celebrating CNY- It feels like I won't be getting red packets too much longer, so... I'm squirreling the excess money away. Like a miser. I can't think of any other instances where I get free money. Tax return? No, right?
Swallowing powdered collagen to stop my face from collapsing in on itself (kind of like a black hole)-
the stuff is rank though and it smells like... I can't even describe the smell- 17 year old silica packets is the closest I can think of. The things I do to keep society from throwing me under a bus.
Watching a lot of River Monsters. It's my new
favourite show. Five props for a program that can give that much serious profiling to Amazonian catfish that crawl up your butt in groups (groups!) and then eat you from the inside out in bullethole fashion (and for some reason everyone or another all these poor bodies wash up on a
Monday. It's like they work on weekends.) - everyone else can keep their reality shows, I think I will stick with learning about violent parasitic, marine life. Huzzah!
Speaking of violent parasitic, marine life (that was an awkward segue) I tried watching
Compliance yesterday. I made it through 15 minutes. I don't want to ruin it for you so I don't know how to explain it to you without my destroying it for you- I guess what I'm ineloquently trying to say is that I think everyone should have a
go at watching it and then maybe reassess how susceptible we are to (intentionally or not) abusing our own personal power. If you come out and go, that's just dumb, I would never do that! Go back, take off your moral superiority hat and try again.
If you can't make it through the first fifteen though, I completely understand and
this link will help you finish off the story- which is bizarre and insane. That's the only way I can describe it.