So we were sitting around the table doing and saying nothing when my aunty suddenly turns to me and says "You really have matured so much in the last two years. You're almost a different person"
My mum twitches. And then she looks at me [sadly?] and replies
"But she paid for it. She paid the highest price."
Mums always know.
Here's to 2010 and the New Year. Let there not be so many lessons.
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Holiday Weekend- Bits and Pieces
"Ok Minnie, we're going home!"
She looks at me with big dopey eyes and then when she thinks I'm not looking, she runs off and hides.
So we made our way up to the Blue Mountains- our annual retreat.
It was incredibly foggy and creepy as we were driving back and I mentioned to my parents my fear of ghosts. And my stepdad said braggingly "I commune with ghosts and I talk to them all the time". My mum and I just rolled our eyes and then I leaned forward to take a picture of the fog. My stepdad shrieked and swerved the car and yelled "What the hell was that? What was that red light?! Was that a demon ghost car behind me???*" [*rough translation]
Me: .... That was my flash.
Mum: She just took a picture.
Stepdad: [Bewildered] Not a demon ghost car?
Me: My flash.
Mum: ... Your ghost talking is really not very good.
Me: You just got freaked out by my camera
Stepdad: You scared the holy shit out of me. Don't do that again!
Demon ghost cars.... seriously. The heck.
Saturday, December 26, 2009
Christmas as always
So every year we pack up and traipse to my auntys place. This year was no different.

It's my Christmas Face. Just kidding. That's my everyday face. From now on I'm not smiling for photos.

I've never seen my cousin Matty cry before. We will blame the onions and not his excitement on my return.
My parents started wrapping the presents in front of everyone. That's just silly.
Well not my stepdad. Hee.
I don't know what was going on in this conversation- but everyone looked bored.

Yeah salad! Except that I ate half of it before we started. Oops.

My Aunty Linda bought this toy for my nephew and we all went what the hell is that? It's hideous and then Apple said straight away "Tombly- Boo!" and we all looked at each other and said Tombly-wha? Turns out that it's some kids show that we're all way behind on. [oh, it's Tombliboo. Not Tombly-Boo.. I still think my way is spelt better]
Tombliboo gets introduced to Kuan Yin. That's probably a first.
When my aunty sees and talks to Apple- it's like this light which switches on. I don't know how to explain it any better but you don't see this light very often in people. Most people search the earth looking for this light. And I guess when you find it -everyone around you can recognise it [Forgive me, if that wasn't particularly eloquent but I'm still rubbing sleep from my eyes]

And it's a smile from Sumo! She's perfectly poised in pictures mostly.
Matty teaching Isaac how to strum. Someone is standing behind Matty so he looks like he has a ponytail. He looks like a hippy!
Good cards right? [Those are not my fingers!]

I yelled "Hey! hey! look here!" And then my mum pretended to pore the album and my two aunties kept talking.. so photo. fail.
As I said before it's good to be home. Except of course, the course of break-ups run in sets of fifteen in my family and Sumo has also broken up with her boyfriend Nate. And so everyone was asking her about it, but I think to some degree they were concerned that she was going to start dating a plumber. That's our family motto- love, honour and try not to date a plumber.
Sumo: I don't want a guy that's finished uni! I don't want someone who just looks good on paper. Who cares about family background?
And to this all our heads swivelled towards her picturing her dating Cletus the slack-jawed yokel. And then my stepdad pipes up:
Are you going to be a spinster like Mush?
So my family is Asian and the worst romantic options there could be in life are to adopt a spinster lifestyle like mine or date a Mario/Cletus hybrid. Sometimes I think my stepdad thinks that getting a boyfriend is as easy as buying a bottle of milk. Except that I'm bizarrely hanging out for a bottle of milk which has been pasteurised by Icelandic monks and delivered by hand-trained storks. And so mores the pity that I'm just not going out and buying a bottle of milk or something. Well that's what I think he thinks.
Luckily, my mum comes into save me with: Are you kidding? Pick the right one. You don't want to be stuck with a dud. [Of course, I guess my mum knows a lot about duds]
And then we moved onto more interesting topics. But other than the love life speculation [and do I want to go out with an architect who lives in Melbourne? Give me a few years of spinsterhood and I'll let you know] Did I mention that's it really really good to be home? Merry Christmas everyone.
It's my Christmas Face. Just kidding. That's my everyday face. From now on I'm not smiling for photos.
My Aunty Linda bought this toy for my nephew and we all went what the hell is that? It's hideous and then Apple said straight away "Tombly- Boo!" and we all looked at each other and said Tombly-wha? Turns out that it's some kids show that we're all way behind on. [oh, it's Tombliboo. Not Tombly-Boo.. I still think my way is spelt better]
I yelled "Hey! hey! look here!" And then my mum pretended to pore the album and my two aunties kept talking.. so photo. fail.
As I said before it's good to be home. Except of course, the course of break-ups run in sets of fifteen in my family and Sumo has also broken up with her boyfriend Nate. And so everyone was asking her about it, but I think to some degree they were concerned that she was going to start dating a plumber. That's our family motto- love, honour and try not to date a plumber.
Sumo: I don't want a guy that's finished uni! I don't want someone who just looks good on paper. Who cares about family background?
And to this all our heads swivelled towards her picturing her dating Cletus the slack-jawed yokel. And then my stepdad pipes up:
Are you going to be a spinster like Mush?
So my family is Asian and the worst romantic options there could be in life are to adopt a spinster lifestyle like mine or date a Mario/Cletus hybrid. Sometimes I think my stepdad thinks that getting a boyfriend is as easy as buying a bottle of milk. Except that I'm bizarrely hanging out for a bottle of milk which has been pasteurised by Icelandic monks and delivered by hand-trained storks. And so mores the pity that I'm just not going out and buying a bottle of milk or something. Well that's what I think he thinks.
Luckily, my mum comes into save me with: Are you kidding? Pick the right one. You don't want to be stuck with a dud. [Of course, I guess my mum knows a lot about duds]
And then we moved onto more interesting topics. But other than the love life speculation [and do I want to go out with an architect who lives in Melbourne? Give me a few years of spinsterhood and I'll let you know] Did I mention that's it really really good to be home? Merry Christmas everyone.
Thursday, December 24, 2009
Up and all the movies I've cried at.
"I hid under your porch because I love you!" Holy Shit. That entire movie turned me into a big sobbing mess. Good thing I watched it at home and not at the cinemas - that would have been embarrassing.
** Now that I think about it .. I really do cry at a lot of movies, so off the top of my head I made a list of movies that I've cried over- I hope this doesn't run into the thousands.
1. Beaches
2. The Time Traveller's Wife. Frick. I watched this with Ms Smith and it was embarrassing to the maximum. She had to ask me if I was alright when I came out
3. Titanic. Well now I'm definitely embarrassed
4. Fly me to Polaris. This is a movie I can't not cry at. I avoid it unless I have to, even though I'm noob and I own a copy. That scene with the saxophone. Gah. Kill me now.
5. Grave of the Fireflies
6. That stupid Thai movie with the dog and the orphan who gets killed. I cried for five hours straight after that movie. I have no wish to know the name. Ever. Char Siew! I am going!
7. Ghost. Ditto, Sam, ditto. Sigh.
8. My Girl. Where are his GLASSES?!!
9. Hotel Rwanda. Well, that's just a given.
10. City of Angels. I was fourteen and now that I'm twenty six I fully see that Meg Ryan deserved to be run over
11. Philadelphia. Stupid credits. Neil Young wailing..... ahhhhhh....
12. Finding Neverland.
I guess this shows that I cannot do montages, dying people or dead dogs. Be forewarned before you take me to the movies!
[ I think there are heaps more but I think I've shown enough wimpiness enough for one post]
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Sunday, December 20, 2009
Returning to work crumpled
So I've been ironing my work shirt in anticipation [ha.] for my return to work tomorrow. Except that I've been ironing it for close to forty minutes now. I iron one side and the other side gets crumpled, I do the other side and then the other part looks wrinkled again.
In fact, after close to an hour of this - the shirt just looks like it hasn't been ironed at all.
Annnnnd stuff this. I'm going into work with a crumpled shirt. [Problem solved!]
In fact, after close to an hour of this - the shirt just looks like it hasn't been ironed at all.
Annnnnd stuff this. I'm going into work with a crumpled shirt. [Problem solved!]
Saturday, December 19, 2009
This Christmas
Friday, December 18, 2009
The weather
Since I've been back I'm not handling the heat very well. Well ok, let's be factual- I'm not handling the heat at all- I just came back from a country where I'm supposed to wear a minimum of four layers and a hair flattening beanie. So yesterday the temperature hit forty degrees and I was a mess- my jeans had soaked through with sweat and I was shiny like a cueball. Months of whitening cream dissolved in a ray of sunshine.
Polish smiles at me "Welcome back, only three more months of this to go."
I start spluttering "Are you kidding me? I'm moving back and I'm going to get a rich sugar daddy to put me up in a loft on Park Avenue. If my hair volume needs to be sacrificed under a beanie then so be it!"
She starts laughing thinking I'm kidding. People don't take me seriously enough.
So this morning I wake up to find that it's started raining. Raining in a -oh-Noah-thats-not-a-flood!-This-is-a-flood!- type of way. And it's miserable outside. Aw.. crap.
I guess God thinks this is funny.
Polish smiles at me "Welcome back, only three more months of this to go."
I start spluttering "Are you kidding me? I'm moving back and I'm going to get a rich sugar daddy to put me up in a loft on Park Avenue. If my hair volume needs to be sacrificed under a beanie then so be it!"
She starts laughing thinking I'm kidding. People don't take me seriously enough.
So this morning I wake up to find that it's started raining. Raining in a -oh-Noah-thats-not-a-flood!-This-is-a-flood!- type of way. And it's miserable outside. Aw.. crap.
I guess God thinks this is funny.
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Two weeks in America
I'm back! This is going to be an extra long post -with millions and squillions of photos so be warned.
I did not love LA. Seriously, LA is .... why would anyone want to live in LA?? The skies are not blue [even though my camera says differently]. No-one knows how to drive. The architecture is square and boxy so all the houses look like Lego clusters. The malls are boring. LAX is one of the most drab airports I've ever ever been to. There are palm trees but no grass.
Universal Studios:
There was almost no people in Universal Studios. It was a ghost town. Which reminds me we went through the House of Horror. Bejeebus, that was scary.
So we took the Universal Studios Tram Tour. And you know what? I was seduced. For five and a half minutes there- I was going to pack up my bags and all of my things and become an actor or a gaffer or something, anything which would let me work on the Universal Studios backlot. Of course I came back down to earth but a girl can dream.
We went on the Simpsons Rollercoaster Ride and there we encountered four of the dumbest people I have ever met. I have no idea where they were from but they were... stupid. We went to wait in a room full of tv screens and we were waiting patiently, when one of the dumbasses starts getting annoyed and asks the attendant whether what we were in was the ride.
Attendant: Uhhhhhh.... no. This is the waiting room.
Dumbass: So this is not the ride?
Attendant: No.
So Dumbass shoves past him and tries to get in the room where the rollercoaster is. Which is locked naturally.
Attendant: .....
Me: .....
Attendant: Excuse me sir, it is not your turn yet. The ride is not ready. Please wait in line.
Dumbass returns to his friends and starts mumbling something thats probably not kosher for this blog.
I'm hoping he gets a Darwin Award at some point. Ergh.
Onto Las Vegas:
Here's the thing about Las Vegas. I was expecting to love it. I mean two years ago I was contemplating on getting married there! I tried really really hard to fall in love with it but the thing is you can't make yourself fall in love with anything and ain't that the truth of it. There were bits of unexpected beauty which I managed to capture, but on the whole I was .. I guess I wouldn't return unless I had to.
Here was the other thing, I hadn't seen my Stepmum and Dad for a good two years and last year I cut off contact with them because I was starting to find that they were just not good for my mental health.
I wanted to take some of this trip and gage where our relationship was and whether it could be repaired.
What I figured in Vegas [and from studying them in LA] was this: They needed a lot of work. Whatever problems that they had with each other and with themselves needed to be fixed before I can [or could] even contemplate trying to do damage control.
Watching them was like watching a horrible play in passive-aggressiveness. She would do something annoying or silly, and then he would get angry and say something rude or mean. Something to put her down. I don't really want to give examples. She would go quiet and ten minutes later, she'd coo and try to get back on his good side.
If this happened enough, she would throw an almighty tantrum at everyone else. In a public space. Like in the middle of a shopping centre. She would cry or yell - I think at one point she blamed us for giving her cancer.
It gave me a headache. And after four days of it, I was starting to have enough. I was keeping my distance and when he started getting short with me, I backed right off.
And here came the revelation. I didn't care that much anymore. Two years ago, there would have been tears on my end and probably a weepy phone call to SB. If they were going to be kind and responsive to me then I was going to be kind and responsive back but if they were going to get nasty or backhanded then I was going to run for my everloving life. So for the first part of Vegas was very muted and unhappy for me but as soon as I set out on my own I started seeing that Vegas was kind of beautiful. I guess you can see that there are not too many pictures of me with anybody else. I spent a lot of time in Vegas trying out my own company and figuring out being alone.

Beautiful right?
That guy at the back was my parent's friend and he was seriously the worst driver I've ever seen. They guy doesn't drive inside the lines. He doesn't indicate. And he admits that he doesn't have very good vision. We spent a lot of time looking for the car in casino parking lots. I give you free permission to make a joke here about Asian drivers.
Onto New York:
"If I could make it here
I could make it anywhere
That’s what they say"
-Empire State of Mind Part II, Alicia Keys
The first glimpse of Times Square absolutely blew me away. And I knew I would love New York.
Right. I have no photos of the Tim Burton Exhibit at MOMA because they wouldn't let us. But needless to say it was awesome and I'm still kicking myself because I should've gotten myself a copy of 'The Melancholy Death of Oyster Boy' [yeah we definitely will never get that in Australia. Ever.] but I'm just really really happy that I was lucky enough to catch the exhibit.
Oh, they let us take photos of Monet though. Someone forgot to tell the boy that his paintings are a big ol' mess.
More Times Square.
And then I took them to the Museum of Natural History and Brother 2# goes absolutely bananas with the camera- he takes over 200 photos alone of different exhibits. The first camera runs outs of battery and the second camera runs out of memory. Brother 1# had to find a bench from exhaustion. I'll spare you the 200 photos but you should really go take a look yourself if you're ever in New York.
Did you know that they regularly find giant squid suction scars on sperm whales? Who even knew that they fought?? It's so bizarre.
Seriously, so pretty.
And here we come to Central Park. And you know Central Park is all hyped up and.... in all honesty, I realise that there's not much green in America and New Yorkers are just appreciating what they've got.... but heck, it just looked like the parks that we have back home, but colder.
I didn't take any photoes but I took both brothers to see Avenue Q. No-one told me the muppets would start having wild raunchy sex! If I had known I would've dragged them to see Mary Poppins! On the other hand I've been constantly singing "It sucks to be you...." for over 72 hours.
Roosevelt Island: Picturesque. Much bigger than we expected.
And so most of the cousins decided to take a day off together, and we vetoed playing basketball and the haunted corn maze was closed [sighs] so I had the bright idea to take a cable car to Roosevelt Island because none of us had ever been. I think Brother 2# called it that 'stupid dumb island'. I didn't think it was so bad.
One of the ideas that we had was to go ice skating, but Brother 2# was so adamant against it that we vetoed it. Oddly enough, he was happy to skate on the little patches of ice around Roosevelt Island.
So that's it I guess. There's nothing else to add. I went and I got some perspective. I saw as much of America as I could in two and a half weeks.
I figured out somethings can't be fixed if the other person doesn't want to fix it.
That you can't get over things until you're really ready. And it's taken me well over ten years to finally break free and to not be hurt and be personally affected by their words and their actions. I don't know if that makes me a terrible daughter but I do know that my protective coating just got a little harder and I'm thankful that it finally did.
I finally met my grandmother and she's a dear old lady. I guess I'll talk more about it some other time.
I didn't say goodbye to my Dad as I left. I guess we're not even on square one anymore- we're probably on minus squares.
When I got back to Sydney, I almost cried when I saw the sheer amount of blue and green. My mum and my stepdad were waiting for me at the gate with big smiles, hugs and lots and lots of outpourings of love. Home.
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