Mood: Waah waah state
Its enough to make you not want to go to the beach anymore.
I was duly informed by my mum that this year was not going to be a good year, so please she beseeched look on both sides of the road, don't walk too fast and never go to Dee Why
ever ever again [so noted].
Well, what person could be ever so unlucky to be caught in a rip twice? So very carefully I stayed between the flags [turning around every two minutes to check that I was still within them] and waded only to waist deep water. Good girl, check? check.
I didn't end up caught in any wave, instead I was stung by a fricking jellyfish.
Yes a fricking jellyfish. It swam [floated?] by my hand and gave me a nasty welt, of which proceeded to swell and ache for the next two hours. What are the chances at a beach of four hundred odd people, a jellyfish would sting
me?? Apparently those are some good odds.
After I have the word unlucky tattooed on my forehead, I'm going to crawl into bed and not come out for half a year.