Pointless Gossip
Thursday, September 29th 1:00 Mood: Blind
I heard from a workmate that freak faced monster overdosed on X last week and had to be taken to hospital. However she turned up to work just fine.
That'll teach me to listen to everybody that sends a tidbit my way.
The future of Mish.
Saturday, September 24th, 1:17 Mood: Thoughtful
Yes, I've been gone for a while, trying to juggle school, work and my ever increasingly zombie-like dog. Sometimes I think I'm so tired that I want to just sleep and sleep and never get up, but of course that won't happen because I'm so easily bored!
Life is turning into a series of momentous decisions.
Mortgage or holiday?
Quit or stay? [I do need the money, but wheres my dignity??]
Train Minnie or don't train Minnie?
Rent or live with my P's?
Study childcare or continue with journalism?
At least Sesame has disappeared from my life again. Phew. I just need to sleep and watch dodgy videos for the next two days and I should be right.
It's unhealthy
Friday, September 14th 23:46 Mood: House doesn't make a home
I haven't rumified on fate a lot lately. This year I've tried not to question on the order of things, from my experience if you analyse things too much and you still don't get an answer, its likely to drive you a bit mental. Breathe Mish, let go. Two nights ago, Sesame walked back into my life, I was sitting on the lightrail and looked up and there he was. Thus commencing the most awkward five seconds in the history of man. I flicked my ID at him and pretended to be engrossed in my sudoku puzzle [Was I cool and collected? I like to think so, however the crossouts and mistakes beg to differ] His ID checking was lacking due to his backing off in the other direction at roadrunner speed. And again with the same thing last night. Only he didn't check anything at all, haha, the way to get free transport? Get exromantically involved with a ticket collector. My sudoku booklet is suffering the weight of my distraction.
Lets be frank, I've been thinking incessantly about him for the last few days, I'm having imaginary conversations with him in my head, I have planned responses to every possible thing that could be said. I'm obsessed and I don't know why. It's unhealthy. And the thing is I don't even want to date him! I don't know what the heck I want. Rowwr. Why did he have to walk back in my life now and give me a headache? Admittedly we have some "yuen fun", but ..but... but...
Don't get me wrong, I love Sillyboy to death and he's not going anywhere, this is just some bizaare infatuation/cosmic joke which I have to shake off. Shake it off. Shake it off.
Thursday, September 8th1:14 Mood: See yesterday
"They're underprivileged anyway, so this is working very well for them" -Barbara Bush [about Hurricane Katrina, in case you've been living under a rock.].
WAHAHahahahHa.. forgive me for being callous, but this just about made me fall off my chair. This sentence is so absurd and silly and just so unexpected that it tickled me. Of course, I do assume that no-one in New Orleans [or close by] finds this even remotely funny. But thats okay. If you don't laugh, you cry.
So Thanks a lot
Wednesday, September 7th, 9:27 Mood: Frail
So here are the words that I thought I'd never hear, because truly I don't get embroiled in personal battles or domestic violence. But this is straight out of a midday movie with Tori Spelling. Or my life.
"You don't get to leave! You only leave when I tell you to leave!"
So thanks Sarah, you're currently sitting in the coveted position of worst supervisor of the year. It was stiff competition for a bit but you did it in the space of 2 minutes. Congratulations.
Lets talk politics
Wednesday, August 31st Mood: My arm hurts. Waah.
I think this whole John Brgoden affair has been blown way out of proportion. Yes I don't condone bum pinching [of journalists, no less] and I' m not keen on the remark "mail-order bride", but haven't there much worse things to come out of modern politics lately?? outright lying [Howard], corruption [Tripoli/Yang], negligence, [Vanstone.. petrol baths anyone? Cornelia Rau? Why is this woman still around?!] covert racism [Bishop/Rudd]. Modern politics is a hypocritical mess,, I agree with one reporter who said that he didn't have enough chutzpah to pull it off. He didn't, he should have just ridden it through and people would have forgotten in two weeks, people always do. But for some reason, he didn't let it blow over and he resigned. The media went insane. Dishonorable. Racist. Sleazy. Boozy. They went for his head and they got it. Last night John Brogden tried to take his own life. Was he really ready to leave his wife and children? Maybe in a moment of darkness he couldn't see clearly and it seemed to be his best option, who knows what kind of pressure hes under? Only himself. The Daily Telegraph is doing its best to milk the whole story, as if they haven't sold enough papers from it.. Leave the man alone. You've done enough.
Embarrasssssing.Wednesday, August 31st, 00:24 Mood: Bloody
I have a confession to make. I read V.C.Andrews novels for fun. Its not something I'm proud of. Now let us never speak of this again.
Speaking of drunken debauchery...
Monday, August 29th, 17:48 Mood: Mirthy
John Brogden, why are you running around pinching bums?
Its like that
Sunday, August 28th, 23:11 Mood: Wide eyed and awake
Life is funny, for six months the mobile gathers dust and you cry in your sleep. And then all of a sudden its a momentous pour, you're all of a sudden in demand, you can't stop going out. You don't even have enough time to stuff all the people into your day, Your boy starts complaining you don't have enough time for him. And you want to shout at people "Where the fuck were you when I needed you?!"
So I've been going out and throwing myself head first into drunken debauchery. It still beats the hell out of crying into my pillow.
Feeling bad? Get drunk.
Monday, August 22nd, 14:18 Mood: Pressed for time
I bet you thought I had an aneurysym there for a moment. My head exploded and then it was the end. RIP Mish.
Nope, I went out and did the smart thing, the smart thing which was to go out and get completely wasted. Yay for alcohol and good friends!
So it started with lemon soju and korean food. Let me tell you something about lemon soju, lemon soju is like an extremely charming guy, you will be sucker punched. After two pots [and these were tiny kettle pots not actual jugs, mind you] we were red faced and giggling, and I say this as girl who can drink people under the table. That stuff was strong, and we spent a good hour and a half gossiping about absolutely nothing. Thats right! The girl at the table behind us had horrific hair so we spent a good five or so minutes paying her out but other than that, its the life I tell you [alright fine, I hardly remember any of the conversation other than CSgirl saying "Re-hea-hea-ea-ea-ea-lly??" It looks funnier in person. Anyway.]
Afterwards, after waking up Saffrons entire building with our hysterics, it was off to dancing! Except as dancing goes, there really wasn't much, probably because the DJ wasn't playing any music, oh okay, fine he was playing music, it just wasn't music you could dance to, the entire set was rap! How you dance to people talking I'll never know, but I didn't.. sooo..however the DJ was good for one thing and that was he set up this particularly classic quote which I'll use for the rest of my life. [or for the rest of the month] halfway through the "song", he stopped the music.
DJ: I have a particular request tonight. That is to tell all of you.
Peter loves Mei-Lin! [pause] Fuck you!
And then he started playing the music. I had to sit down because my stomach hurt so much.
The rest of the night was a guy-oriented one, we were reeling them in. Too bad they weren't particularly George Clooney-ish [I'm supposing that all the George Clooney lookalikes had headed home and were bedding people left right and centre, instead of hanging out at Sharks at four in the morning. Hmm]
On my way to the train station [walk of shame!] I bumped into my baby cousin who was going home from a pub crawl. You don't feel old until you realise your baby cousin is going home from a pub crawl. Gahh.
This year is heading into minus numbers
Friday, August 17th, 00:26 Mood: Wouldn't it be nice?
Geez, you decide not to post for a bit and two weeks walks away. Its no secret that I've disliked this year. I've loathed it, despised it and if it was tangible I would probably spit on it.
I thought this year would get better after I got a job. Less time spent dwelling, and more time doing other things[ like not dwelling]. Silly me. Once again, SILLY ME.. I have spent the last month being abused, being lied to, being backstabbed [ya wanna stab? stab from the front] being criticised and just all round being a fricking hand maid all in the name of customer service. Its just not mentally healthy to want to thump everyone with your shoe, its equally not healthy to start developing murderous glints in your eyes and my teeth cannot take anymore grinding, they are being ground into husks.
Stir your own fricking drink.
When I say soft drink. I mean soft drink, not milk, not tea, not water, not bourbon.
Put your own damn sugar in your own damn coffee, I'm sure you have hands. I'm holding a tray with nine other drinks on it, you inconsiderate piece of crap.
Stop asking me for water, you godforsaken morons, if you're too cheap to order anything else, you shouldn't be in a casino.
There is no such thing as Tooheys black. I told you.
Don't ask for hot chocolate if you want to lose weight
When you run into someone. Apologise.. Manners? What the hell have your parents been teaching you in the course of your miserable life???!
I'm not a fucking deer tracker, I don't know where you are once you've moved tables.
And thats just the customers, I haven't even started bitching about the @#$@$$* staff yet. [backstabbing sonnuva....]
I'm putting up with this for money and its not even good money. Sigh. The things we do. On the plus side I know how to make a good coffee now.
I have a friend Ology, who's really sick at the moment and I worry about her a lot, but then I worry about everybody a lot lately because I simply don't have enough time to catch up with them. I haven't even seen Alpha Beta since her wedding. When something like this happens it reminds you how faraway people are, I think that if I hadn't made that space to call her I never would have known and what kind of friend would I be?
[Well actually I'm feeling like a real dodgy friend at the moment] anyway all that can be done is to hope and pray that Ology gets better and the condition doesn't become too serious. This year is heading into minus numbers for everybody.
Tuesday, August 9th, 21:25 Mood: Bugger
I bag out daytime tv, but sometimes its just comedy gold.
[Our heroes Billie and Bo have just escaped from a European castle, when Bo winces and Billie cries out rather hysterically....]
Billie: Bo! Are you in pain??
Bo: No I'm okay.
Billie: How can you be okay? You were impaled on a spike!
Some days are darker.
Saturday, August 5th, 00:17 Mood: Hurt
"Even the best fall down sometimes
Even the wrong words seem to rhyme
Out of the dark that fills my mind
I somehow find that you and I collide
I finally find you and I collide"
-Howie Day, Collide
Mish. Housewife Extraordinaire.
Thursday, August 4th Mood: Simple things where have you gone?
I have a feeling I spelt extraordinaire wrong. Anyway, to all things domestic, Exit Mould! All hail Exit Mould! Spray it once and five minutes later its gone. Its gone. No getting on my hands and knees into the grime and scrubbing. I'm a very happy domestic goddess. If only they'd invent the same thing for dust and oven tops and I'd be in housewifely heaven, nothing to do except vacuuming, oh and laundry [and possibly cooking] well, never mind it leaves me more time to slump in front of the teevee and eat chocolate biscuits, something with which I'm not allocating enough time lately.
In other news, time for shoes! I've been in a shoe drought. A shoe desert. So I'm over compensating by buying two pairs tomorrow, both pink. Yes, both pink [shurrup, I'm turning into a massive drag queen, fake eyelashes, pink shoes, I think I might add a wig to complete the effect.] The first is a pair of Lonsdale pink and grey sneakers [Brand slut!] and the other is heeled sandals covered in ...diamantes. I really am a massive drag queen!
What SB said.
Wednesday, August 3rd 21:25 Mood: A doggy donut on my lap
SB is role playing as a homosexual woman hating nurse stuck on an island
Girl 1: Why should we keep you on the island?
SB: Well I'll still treat you professionally, but inwardly I'd still hate you.
Girl 1: Errr.. and why should we keep you on the island?
SB: I'll revert to being straight so we can repopulate the world.
SB is strangely voted off the island.
SB: Do you think I should work on my public speaking skills?
Me: No, not at all.
Things I've learned working at the casino.
Wednesday, August 3rd 1:11 Mood: Over it
1. Rich people are not necessarily good tippers, in fact I find that mostly? They suck. Here's your ten cents back, you cheap bastard.
2. Your feet will hurt after an eight hour shift. No derr.
3. To make yourself feel better after a customer treats you like an automated teller,, try mumbling "mayallyourchristmasesbebleakandgreyyoulousyfecker" when you've finished, its an instant cheer up.
4. Also for an instant pick up, flirt with the cuuuute italian security guard [provided he is around, of course]
5. It helps to use :gasp: a tray when handing out drinks.
[Really?! a tray?! What did you think I was going to use Alana, you freak faced monster, a pencil holder? my head? a cereal box? Shut up, From now on I will only address you as freak faced monster. Grr]
6. The glint in the eye on the face on the pokie machine is not my imagination. It actually is a glint that comes around every five minutes or so. People beware, you may actually drive yourself crazy thinking that face is coming to life.
7. Males tip better than females. Why I don't know.
8. People who have begged for free drinks will ignore you once they've gotten what they wanted.
9. I am not handing out free drinks to those people anymore
10. All kitchens are grubby everywhere. Casinos, bars, restuarants. Gahh.